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When gum disease progresses

Root Canal Treatment

When gum disease progresses

Sometimes, as gum disease progresses, it can damage the ‘pulp’ of a tooth. The pulp contains blood vessels and nerves and it extends from the crown of the tooth to the roots.

When the pulp is damaged it can be incredibly painful, with symptoms such as prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold, discolouration of the tooth, swelling, tenderness of the overlying gums or a bad taste in the mouth. If pulp inflammation or infection is left untreated, it can eventually cause loss of the supporting bone and/or the tooth itself.



What is a root canal?

A root canal involves removing the infected pulp material from the tooth’s root. We then clean and seal the tooth to prevent any more damage and restore it with either a crown or a filling.

Is it painful?

Our dentists are specially trained in pain management and will use every tool in the box to make sure the treatment is as pain free as possible. In some cases we will use local anesthesia or we may ‘settle’ the tooth with a sedative dressing, anti-inflammatory drugs and/or antibiotics before the procedure.

Is it a permanent fix?

When done correctly and to the high standards we use at Castlebawn Dental Practice you can be assured it will last a very long time.

In cases where we use a crown to protect the tooth after the treatment it will be incredibly resistant to fractures and cracks.

Also, good oral hygiene plays a major role in how long any dental treatment is effective.

Ongoing regular care

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Dentist in Bangor, Newtownards Northern Ireland